Thursday, April 14, 2005

you are so helpful

boy oh boy suzette.. you are very helpful.. blogging, nursing ... you've got it covered. I just taught my class on basic counselling.. but they just lead me astray.. i remember having teachers like that, you'd see who could get them (furthersit? fatherist... or is that someone who hates fathers) most off track and for how long...
Having the inaugural unit warming this Sunday. We're going to begin here ('cos it's to 'warm here) and then to avoid having to sit in each other's lap we are heading to the river to a bbq for tofu burgers. It's apparently going to rain so I think we'll all be on the waiting platform for the rivercat ferry watching the rain blow in on our faces so should be fun. Decided to get orgainzed and cooked potatoes for salad but.. keep popping the little pommes de terre into my mouth everytime i open the fridge.. so I'll just roll my self in mayonaise and mint sunday morning. 43sq mtrs and so far 16 rsvps in the affirmative.. uh oh.. high class problems for me. anyway off to bed .. it's 11pm and I need to get up at 5 am to plan the 8 am class... nothing like staying on top of the preparation! au revoir ma petites


Blogger Mrs Robot said...

So, who's going to this shindig? Actually makes me a little homesick, thinking about a "do" in Newfarm park. And this is the house-warming for your place? That you've been in for... how long?

Patient's all better, by the way.

12:58 AM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

oops it sould be mes petites.. umm ah! The shindig is to celebrate the new unit... i've been here since end of August 2004.. so 7 months.. oh my goodness i hadn't realized it was so long.. but then i left quac, started and the community visitor thing, had holidays.. had to take the fluff from my belly button.. you know BUSY! We aren't probably going to make it to the park.. as you'd know 'cos you have been here.. Sydney street ferry terminal is closer and there is river front park access there plus the option of all crowding onto the ferry platform so we can feel we are actively seeking shelter while the wind blows rain in on us!- acceptances so far approx 16- as you can imagine it will be a little sqeezy.. Darren and Dan are coming- Darren doesn't want to go to the park he wants to go for a record of how many people we can fit here!- He always had an interesting sense of fun ...but then who am i to talk... fun is not having a deadline to meet so you don't have to get up!- Annie H- volunteer and her 'beloved' (that's her term), Michelle and len, I think Robyn and dynamic dennis, about 4 people from that trainning i have been doing and then the rest are from all sorts of places. I think that's all you'd know of who is coming. Roy declined, haven't heard from cathy or naomi yet.. So have taught again today and then been doing a little tidying up ( and eating the odd potato or two).. Making the kitchen unrecognisable to myself.. The cactus still has pride of place near the front door but there are some smaller peole coming who may not be up on the etiquette of cactus enjoyment so i had better move it.. ah well 6.30- time for a cup of tea

1:28 AM  
Blogger Mrs Robot said...

*sigh* Sounds like fun! And I think Darren is on the right track there with the record attempt. Hey, why not have it in a phone box? Perhaps you could just prop a picture of me up against the potato salad? :(

1:35 AM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

I do have your BERLIN postcard on the fridge... may be we could put your photo IN the potato salad! .. so's you can really enjoy yourself. I was boiling the jug this morning and could see an arc going between the elements up the top- it's a REALLY old one- you nkow like they sell for a billion $ now 'cos they're retro.. and you get some excercise screaming through the unit to turn it off before it boils dry, snaps the wire coil around the element and covers the kitchen cupboard in steam that rots the MDF.. ALL of which has occurred in this very unit. .. my last jug exploded with a bang just as i was having my last pre bus trip to the train to the plane for my holidays in December.. and i have been using this one ever since, it's melted one of the plastic surrounds off the top so I KNOW it's not working properly and I began to worry 'cos I haven't got insurance if some one electrocutes themselves while visiting I may be up the .... so when i was at coles in new farm today they had a SPECIAL.. sucker for a special ( and a good story).. so i now have a new jug ('cos i'm 'funny about the porous thing.. this one is metal).. and a toaster.. I have been a toaster free zone for 5 years.. so I'll miss running through the unit to catch the jug and stop the toast catching on fire- i disconnected the fire alarm 'cos i didn't know how to turn it off and if i want toast it includes the fire alarm experience.. my cooking is yet another story... lurve,

1:56 AM  

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