Monday, February 26, 2007

in the style of Jeff Mac

Dear person- male person who attempted to grab my arm to stop me while I was cycling recently. With I am sure the best of intentions you tried to speak to me and then get me to stop- but..... as everyone in Brisbane knows over the past few months there has been a spate ( weird word- but that what it's been) of attacks on women exercising. so.....
ok, I did swear - and I realise upon reaching the end of the track that you may have wanted to suggest I don't ride on the 'designated walk way area'- but I didn't realise it was a walk way and my new high pressure tyres don't like those cute little cobble tiles on the alternative route- I bounce my way from bump to bump like an unhappy blancmange.
I have not been on that part of the track since but I must tell you there was a survival instinct that arose in me when you attempted to stop me.
Also thanks so much to the police person who stopped me a few days later to hand out a 'safety card' with helpful tips on it like- 'carry a mobile phone, don't exercise alone'
Things I had never thought of. Getting stopped by a man in uniform to hand me a card that indicating what I needed to do to stay safe. I felt so much better with that card #:-i
I have been resisting the urge to get together a posse of women to cycle past men and harass them but ruffling their hair or cutting their shiny shorts - 'cos it makes me so mad to be targeted just because of my gender and makes me want men to get involved in standing up in support of women- offering to cycle with women - or something. Perhaps harassing them isn't quite the way to go about getting support.
I was really heartened when "les miserables" came to play in Brisbane and the cast were members of MASA - that is "Men against Sexual Assault".
I know it does fly in the face of some gender slagging that happens- women feeling all men are to blame and being very angry- I would like to think we can support each other. I know my brother and myself as youngsters did exactly that and it felt like a safe way to move forward.
This isn't quite in the style of Jeff Mac because it's not very funny- but it's the best I can do at 4am- awake since 2.30am for some reason- Haven't been sleeping so well lately- anxious. Attempting every trick I know, meditation, exercise, overeating and watching the Oscars before bed.........