Monday, April 23, 2007

where is the year going?

Sorry cuz-
I don't know that I answered your email but it is you I am referring to - you legend you.
Have been to Sydney for Easter- to an AA national convention to catch up with friends old and make some new. So lovely to meet up with those women who knew me back in the 1980's when I stopped taking mood altering substances.
I also met my cousin's new baby girl- she is having difficulty sleeping but is such a lovely little girl. They are a lovely family, very 'down to earth' which I like.
On my return I have catapulted into work again- we had a state-wide conference which was very tiring. All the interaction wears me out- needing to be 'on' for so much time.
Today the computers were down at work which was a good thing- I had to work in a simpler mode which was good.
Feeling incredibly tired- adrenaline burnout evident the last few days.
Have started to take the vitamins and minerals again and that seemed to help- felt a little brighter this afternoon.
Cycled around the river which I just adore to do. My father's sister who lives in Sydney rang yesterday wanting to make plans to go North for a holiday and I just felt it was beyond me to make it through the day let alone plan to go away. I was very close to ringing in sick today but am glad I persevered. I read somewhere the generation X takes approximately 4 days more per year on sick leave than baby boomers (I only just make it). If I take more sick leave maybe I'll get younger.
Still not the brightest globe on the Christmas tree yet.
I heard some research today on Radio National
(I love Radio National- does what it can to help to keep me sane)
that - basically some people get slower with age but biologically they are younger than their chronological age and those that are faster die younger.
I am hoping that if I let the tiredness happen rather than take medication to speed myself up it will find it's own level. .... Sounds good in theory but hard to get through some days.
On impulse I have signed up to assist (for money) get the electoral role updated. The government has changed the rules so that people can't sign up to vote once the election is called- Approximately 80,000 new voters registered after the last election was called. Maybe more, I can't exactly remember- I was just hoping to get work when an election was on- so more just binge work not this dribbling around door knocking.
anyway - just thought I'd change the title. My new second cousin has her own Internet space but it is only open to invited guests... Great idea.. hope you all have a good week and if reading from Australia (or New Zealand) enjoy the Anzac day holiday. ...