Friday, April 18, 2008

the dog on the highway feeling

I heard someone mention that they felt like a dog on the highway recently- I know that feeling. The I  read that Scott of the antartic camped alone in a tent and due to a snow storm and the subsequent 'whiteout' lost his tent although only out for a short walk. 
He chosse to create a new start point or center and planted a stick in the snow. He then ventured out ten steps from that stick and back in each direction until he found his tent...... Smart! Seems like a great anaology for life. W

Thursday, April 03, 2008

long time no see

Hi... I am back briefly. I have become a happy face book member and have consequently abandoned this site. Facebook seems to be easier to network with friends through - this one is more anonymous and kind of scarily more open..

But anyway I needed to check something on someone else's blogg so .. here I am.

Just had another birthday in sunny down town queensland.. see the photo )