Friday, July 22, 2005

why does health food make me sick?

I bought some vitamins and things today- I have needed to for ages but finally did it.. along with lots of other things I bought, a second hand large (two sewn together) sheepskin to put on my floor, a light globe, 2 other lights, food, a bowl, a pot plant pot, a file for my accounts, ... exciting huh! a little picture of a fairy on a clematis playing a flute in a frame, some things for Christmas gifts ('cos I know once semester starts again it will be Christmas day before I know the date again.. and I really DON'T enjoy racing around buying gifts with thoughtful love and concern at 80ks per hour.. I like to think, ponder the person, .. the price, does it fit?)
anyway back to the healthy thing.. so I took the 'muscle ease' and the evening primrose and the shark stuff for joint ease and chlorophyll and vitamin b and a multivitamin, and colloidal minerals, and now........ I feel sick 'cos it's all cruising around in there not liking to mix with each other..

and yesterday I went to lincraft and Oxfam... has to end now!.. I am really short of funds due to being in semester break and some money came in from my other job- it's meant to last until ... well, at least a month.. and it won't now, I paid 3 bills, rates, car rego, BIG things. and just kept going with the paying out thing.. ah well a couple of my astute relatives gave me voucher cards for presents and I can use them at my local supermarket.. phew!. anyway I can always live on VITAMINS for a week or two ;-) .. listening to Paul Kelly and Crowded house today.... kind of romantic music it seems to me... some may disagree, it's not Chopin, or girlie sweet things but It's swirly.. Rhythmic

Friday, July 08, 2005

sleepless nights and the tour de france

There's something ever so comforting about watching the tour de france while tucked up in the floral covered doona 'on the couch'... vicarious excercise.. if only it would get one fit!- I did cycle a little but have fallen off the cycling wagon in the last few weeks.
I have had a friend come to stay from Perth.. so that's possibly 2 I have all up now! Anyway she has come to an Aikido training here in Brisbane, she teaches in Perth.. you can see her website at
He flight was due to arrive at 11.25pm but.. the flight was delayed by 2 hours.. so I trotted out to the airport to collect her (after having watched the tour de france stage 6 I think it was).. finally got home, after getting lost on the way!- not as young as I used to be... - these late nights wear me out!- but then got so excited to have a CONVERSATION that we stayed up unitl 4.30am Brisbane time.. so today is Saturday and I did go to bed at 11.30pm last night but am still somewhat seedy! It's just all a bit exciting really ) I went and watched her trainig for a short while today.. so I must say I am feeling much more flexible for having watched all that warming up and I'm sure my aerobic fitness level has lifted from watching the tour!!
Deep in the inner core of my body there lies a inner rippling of well toned muscular structure.. which I'll show you after I die and get autopsied .. other than that I will be visually doing a good impersonation of Jabba the Hut from Star wars.. that tail is getting bigger and bigger! Run for your lives!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Ruby's coming to Queensland, Ruby's coming to Queensland

This is to be sing/chanted while skipping around the room..... I LOURVE RUBY HUNTERs' voice..
I don't know if you know of or like the music of Ruby Hunter - she has one of the deepest female voices I have ever heard. I think deep female voices are hard to mix so she doesn't get presented too well at times. Anyway I love the sound, like a bass. She is coming to Qld to the Power house with Archie Roach on July 18 and 19th- Monday and Tuesday. Price $35/25
Blurb says... This is the story of Ruby Hunter, who with Archie Roach forms one of contemporary Australia’s most original and creative song writing teams.
Ruby's Story presents a soul-stirring account of their lives form that fateful meeting in Adleaide where destiny first played its hand. Discover how music helped this magical pair explain the past and build the future in this inspired telling of events that are often heart-rendering but always uplifting.
As Ruby and Archie's lives unfold on stage the audience is left with a sense of honour and privilege of raving been included in this remarkable journey.
Music, lyrics and performances Ruby Hunter and Archie Roach Musical Direction and Arrangements Paul Grabowsky.