Friday, July 22, 2005

why does health food make me sick?

I bought some vitamins and things today- I have needed to for ages but finally did it.. along with lots of other things I bought, a second hand large (two sewn together) sheepskin to put on my floor, a light globe, 2 other lights, food, a bowl, a pot plant pot, a file for my accounts, ... exciting huh! a little picture of a fairy on a clematis playing a flute in a frame, some things for Christmas gifts ('cos I know once semester starts again it will be Christmas day before I know the date again.. and I really DON'T enjoy racing around buying gifts with thoughtful love and concern at 80ks per hour.. I like to think, ponder the person, .. the price, does it fit?)
anyway back to the healthy thing.. so I took the 'muscle ease' and the evening primrose and the shark stuff for joint ease and chlorophyll and vitamin b and a multivitamin, and colloidal minerals, and now........ I feel sick 'cos it's all cruising around in there not liking to mix with each other..

and yesterday I went to lincraft and Oxfam... has to end now!.. I am really short of funds due to being in semester break and some money came in from my other job- it's meant to last until ... well, at least a month.. and it won't now, I paid 3 bills, rates, car rego, BIG things. and just kept going with the paying out thing.. ah well a couple of my astute relatives gave me voucher cards for presents and I can use them at my local supermarket.. phew!. anyway I can always live on VITAMINS for a week or two ;-) .. listening to Paul Kelly and Crowded house today.... kind of romantic music it seems to me... some may disagree, it's not Chopin, or girlie sweet things but It's swirly.. Rhythmic


Blogger Mrs Robot said...

What did you buy at Lincraft and Oxfam? I was in Oxfam buying coffee the other day, and saw on the counter those "Make Poverty History" bands that everyone's talking about -- ironically I didn't have enough money for one.

Sudden changes in diet, etc can make your body do a double-take; perhaps consulting one of your colleagues on this would be a good thing. At least drink a bit more water.

4:54 PM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

Thanks oh sensible one!- allgood advice!- hope to catch up soon- when do you go south?

3:24 AM  
Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Undecided. It's perpetually "in four weeks". First week in September is the goal, but I'm having cold feet. You'd think that would happen AFTER arriving in Victoria!

I'm at a loose end for the next two days (Tue, Wed) if you'd like to meet up.

5:18 PM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

that sunds alluring! - i am knee deep in organizing my paper work.. i have allocated this time to teaching preparation but what i am doing is soritng all the stuff i have dragged around since arriving here- sharing with others means that i feret things away until ihave 15,000 caches of things.. ring if you want and we can sort a face toface ! love the photos of the river.. SO BEAUTIFUL..

2:20 AM  
Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Oh. Wednesday night and I've just read your post. :( Still, I'm thinking of taking Miss Seven to the gallery and museum on the weekend, if we can wriggle getting away on our own, so maybe I'll give you a bell then.

3:19 AM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

Hey Ms S, I am off to Straddie for the weekend.. but if you'd care to drop over for saturday.. although sounds like the niece has you for the day.she would be welcomed- is a bit of a walk from taxi to house- but we could go slowly- or just get on the bus to Pt Lookout. I have some visitors coming Sunday..or we could hang there on Monday if that suits.. just text me the time of the water taxi and I'll walk down and meet you.. staying at Dunwich.. although perhaps you've had your fill of beaches with the Lovely Hervey Bay, )

5:03 AM  
Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Thanks for the kind offer, Miss W, but alas I have a good deal of work to do for my Cert IV assessment, so the trip out is going to be limited to just a couple of hours. I'm sure it'll all be worth it.... won't it?

6:17 AM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

short answer - yes! ;-)

4:26 PM  
Blogger Mrs Robot said...

I can't do it. Because I'm a loser. I knew damn well it wasn't my thing, but I went ahead anyway. Eejit!

6:51 PM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

Because you are a loser!! No NO that doesn't wash ... 'cos I did it and so it just isn't why.. chin up.. it's the only way to go through life really, otherwise no one can get a good shot at knocking you out!.. hope the case of loserdom has passed. )..Betcha John never feels like a loser... some people never question and some question too much...

12:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so proud of both of you for buying your wares at Oxfam... and getting kind of homesick with all this talk of straddie and the kids...

7:46 PM  
Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Oxfam is the ONLY place to buy coffee. Happily, it's not only my white/middle class/Western guilt that draws me there; the coffee actually tastes better than any you can buy in the supermarket. And the chocolate is fabulous, too.

Poor Mel's a bit sick at the moment.

2:08 AM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

Come home Ms P..I would love to fossick on the shoreline of Straddie while discussing deeply meaningless esoteric topics with you (or sleeping with a towel on my head).. )

5:22 PM  

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