Friday, June 17, 2005

I think I’ll just sit here and wait till life gets easier.

this is from the Ashleigh Brilliant web page... ain't that the truth.. but been waiting and waiting...
God knows how I'd cope with a real difficulty.. actually I have had some of those and I think drama is so much more compelling!!
You just have to get up and at it don't you! It draws you, sucks the life out of your adrenal system and then spits you back out... I'm in the saliva dripping stage I think .. time to regroup! Refocus ~ on what though? that's the question.. when you are used to spending your time crawling out of the belly of the whale and you end up in a unit in downtown suburbia with enough to eat and friends what do you do next?-- other than climb onto the couch with the remote and a box of carbohydrate covered in tasty preservatives?
ah well, pondering is a little active for this bear of (presently) little brain (Alias winnie the pooh for the uninitiated). .


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