Thursday, May 12, 2005

those that can do, those that can't teach ....

and those that can and do but teach anyway... well try and teach, and teach badly.. you know what happened tonight .. do you want to know?
Well you are going to know.. MY Counseling class suggested I should become a stand up comic!! More poeple suggesting this.!! It's been said before and I have thought of it except I can't be funny when I'm s'posed to only when I'm not s'posed to.. anyway ...

I felt shameful! I trully did. They asked me what unit I was teaching next semester so's they can do that one. A couple of students said they were very glad they had my class thursday nights because it was all they were up to at that time.. Oh dear , oh dear, oh dear, .I do find it hard to take microskills seriously so I tell them good advice like... "Don't spit at clients" and not to call them losers 'cos they need help.. and 'specially not to CHANT it while holding your pointer finger straight up and the thumb horizontal to this to make an "L" above your forehead while chanting.. I mean this has got to be useful right??


Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Well, that all sounds like good advice to me, miss wendy. I don't know what you're worried about.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Mrs Robot said...

Actually, miss wendy, it sounds like a nice cup of tea and chat with Aunty Suzy would do you some good. :)

4:49 AM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

And this has proven to be the case... phew! thank goodness you are back.. and the park with the lovley nieces and sally was good fun too. )

3:00 AM  
Blogger sarahfisch said...

Miss Wendy, I say give stand-up a whirl. As a semi-stand up here in NYC, I can tell you that smart female Aussie standups with educational backgrounds are very few and far between.

Maybe not in Australia,, really, what you should do is move to NYC and then do standup--you'd be very "niche."

We got Lori Mocha to move here from Minnesota to do standup...Australia's not too much further away, right?
(I'm American, my geography skills are nonexistent--aren't y'all near Canada?)

5:53 PM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

Hey that's very encouraging I must say... nearly in Canada 'cept wrong hemisphere.. so get to Canada and go South.. a little bit below the equator ... just under china.. that should get you here! But I seem to only be able to be funny when relaxed and when I'm not meant to be being funny ... does that happen to anyone else? thanks for visiting.

3:30 AM  

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