Tuesday, June 14, 2005

old gym shirt for sale for active bloggers... contradiciton in terms?

Well.... puff, pant, have made it to the end of the semester without having been mobbed by the students and hung somewhere... It was close. still have to finish the marking.. not keen... TAFE is easier. competent / not competent... not all this comparing these essays to each other .. anyway I realize i am exhausted.. and have a very sore shoulder again.. so because I can get free treatment from the student clinics at the college I have had an aromatherapy massage, remedial therapy massage, and acupuncture.... which was a hoot ..
The remedial therapist was a 12 year old male.. (not really but seemed it at the time) who requested that I take off my clothes and stand in my underwear so he could see my range of movement... JEEZ well i bet cha the blood flow was moving.. right up to my face- weird how he left the room for me to undress and I hadn't realized parading around in my scungiest underwear looking like grandmother teletubby was going to be on the agenda!! Really works out your vanity/pride/humility issues..

he was very professional but i SAW a SMILE as he re entered the room.. WEll done him! I probably would have been openly snickering or in shock!.. So that was a hoot!.. he was very good at his job, but, oh my god... 'beam me up'.. just got me to the point of not caring.. would you like me to twirl around now singing the National Anthem and you can go and get the rest of the staff in here.. !

Now the acupuncture ... that also was a hoot.. second time ever for me..
So take one abuse survivor, ask them every question about every body function you can imagine, make them poke their tongue out, write things down about it.. "lightly coated, cracks in center".. then..
get the person undressed, onto a table face down and pin them like a ginormous overweight butterfly to the table .. tweaking the needles to get the 'chi' flowing,,, you have to feel this you know! Don't tell them where those needles are going .. just wander around popping them in so the person is too scared to budge in case they spear out their own eye.. and then ... bring the supervisor in to have a look!!!
"Nice shoes " I said.. meaning .. 'this is a VERY weird way to meet someone.'. ah well, I felt SO GOOD at the end of it.. nearly fell down the stairs.. mood altered ..


Blogger Mrs Robot said...

I've only had acupuncture a couple of times, and I felt that the lack of explanation prior to the spearing did enhance the tension factor for me somewhat.

So many practitioners forget that they're dealing with people who aren't familiar with their practice, and who -- perhaps, just perhaps -- may feel a little intimidated. I went to and Ear Nose Throat specialist about my hearing once, and he was the epitome of arrogant medico. He barely spoke throughout the session and answered my questions with glares of contempt.

I was sitting there idly gazing at a tray of tools designed for modes of torture and humiliation beyond my imagining when suddenly my right nostil was more strainingly open than I would ever like it to be again, the cold breeze whistling against my sinuses. Doctor Deity just stuck a small pair of tongs up there which was sprung in such a way as to allow nasal examination; a nasal speculum, if you will. He hadn't said a damn word about doing it, knew I wasn't looking or expecting it. What a dickhead. I'll bet he has erectile issues and his Papa never loved him.

3:59 PM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

Teletuby nana does pole dancing... interesting thought young Dan! the money you put into those undies would need to be light!! that 'lastic isn't up to much.. it's worked too hard for too long, it's due long service leave or stress leave!! debriefing and a redundancy package!

9:42 PM  
Blogger miss wendy said...

Hey Ms S, you know once I went to an ENT specialist because of my sinus issues. I was quite young as I ended up having my nose cauterized.. they wouldn't get near it now!! (probalby wouldn't offer now!) anyway this chappie after ... what at least 6 years of medical school told me that the reason I was having trouble breathing was because my nose was TOO SMALL!!! Did they teach that in year 6 one wonders..
I went for another massage but you know what they didn't let me smell the oil first (they usually do) and I ended up lying there wondering if someone was going to add me to rye with mustard.. smelt like smoked ham.. for the vegetarian.. was not very relaxing!!

9:46 PM  

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