Friday, July 08, 2005

sleepless nights and the tour de france

There's something ever so comforting about watching the tour de france while tucked up in the floral covered doona 'on the couch'... vicarious excercise.. if only it would get one fit!- I did cycle a little but have fallen off the cycling wagon in the last few weeks.
I have had a friend come to stay from Perth.. so that's possibly 2 I have all up now! Anyway she has come to an Aikido training here in Brisbane, she teaches in Perth.. you can see her website at
He flight was due to arrive at 11.25pm but.. the flight was delayed by 2 hours.. so I trotted out to the airport to collect her (after having watched the tour de france stage 6 I think it was).. finally got home, after getting lost on the way!- not as young as I used to be... - these late nights wear me out!- but then got so excited to have a CONVERSATION that we stayed up unitl 4.30am Brisbane time.. so today is Saturday and I did go to bed at 11.30pm last night but am still somewhat seedy! It's just all a bit exciting really ) I went and watched her trainig for a short while today.. so I must say I am feeling much more flexible for having watched all that warming up and I'm sure my aerobic fitness level has lifted from watching the tour!!
Deep in the inner core of my body there lies a inner rippling of well toned muscular structure.. which I'll show you after I die and get autopsied .. other than that I will be visually doing a good impersonation of Jabba the Hut from Star wars.. that tail is getting bigger and bigger! Run for your lives!


Blogger miss wendy said...

Does anyone else comment on their own blogg?..well, I just need the inner super nanny to send me to bed NOW !.. ohww,

7:19 AM  
Blogger Mrs Robot said...

It's been known to happen. I usually wait until someone else has left something for me, but still, each to their own.

4:45 AM  

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