Tuesday, June 21, 2005

God love 'em!

I ventured in to the country today.. it was lovely.. Inland and up … so it gets colder
.. Which in Queensland means socks! .. No, actually there was a biting wind but it’s not cold for long here so it’s a novelty and fun..
On the news tonight there was an English tourist (one of the few that hasn’t been murdered!) on a pushbike saying how lovely the weather was in Perth Western Australia…like summer…. And Perth is a little further from the Equator than Brisbane..
anyway on the way into the country driving past lots of gigantic sheds and hay and machinery there was a sign … BIG sign and it said…

Beautiful.. I thought and thought... of a retort.. like I'm cursing God yours had you, but then may be it wasn't God that was involved with your birth!.. or... wait for it... I had a client who lived in that area and was raised by fundamentalist and he was one of my clients who died..a young gay man ..died at his own instigation... so i thought i could add ..
Fundamentalist Christians don't need to abort they just wait until their children are so loaded with unrealistic expectations, self hate and dogma that they kill themselves. Too true and too sad. @~(


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