Sunday, November 19, 2006

mad as a cut snake

holey moley... just too too busy- started to negotiate to get my patio renovated (tarted up would be the architectural term I believe) months ago and finally decided on the person to do the job. Months later.... he came, he did the roof, he left, he came back and talked a lot and did a small task- this was then the norm until I feel ready to scream- "just go away"-
I had an accrediation at work- that's when 4 people get to watch dvd's of my work and comment over a 3 hour period. .. so that was fun :-0
They said very good things but it was just so stressful.
I don't get to say whether they have come up with what they promised- and I'd have a word or two to say about that.
New car tyres, car serivced, pushbike repaired, 17 hours painting lattice.... blue.. that's 'boatshed blue' I could show you some by taking a photo of my face or my shoes.. my hands- perhaps my lungs - I am sure I inhaled enough to coat my lungs...
Off to drive to Sydney tomorrow-- 13 hours over two days to go to a conference and visit relatives and friends - to the south coast of New South Wales and then to Canberra via Cooma.
so I'd best get going 'cos I need to go and collect my pushbike from the shop-
Talk to you from Syndey - unless the patio guy has murdered me for being difficult or I have been killed on the road as my two Aunties predict. "You know the longer you spend on the road the more likely it is you will be in an accident"... Trying to be helpful but I'd never considered worrying on that account- I had enough to concentrate on already really!! Tired, spent, exhausted but not of you of course! Just the non-virtual world. It's good to have the two to bounce between really - everyone needs at least two worlds. Wendy world is spinning out of control.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

well I read recently in my cards of destiny that I need to 'listen deeply'...

so I heard my cousin today say that she actually reads this blogg ... and is bored with the images - so just for you- I went to my Uncle's 80th birthday today up the coast ( which you know because you were there;)- I lurve my family- they are audacious, they are down to earth, they are unlimited in their view of what life has on offer- they're smart, but not in an"I'm so cool" way. More in a grounded "let's just get on with life" kind of attitude. So therefore I am very glad I am part of this family. Which is probably a good thing because then I am not part of someone else's family - like a jigsaw piece, I only fit in that puzzle. It took me a while to figure that out. I got lots of hugs that warm your heart, like a loving fluid that begins in the other person's heart and spreads through your whole body- no "A" frame hugging going on there- it's a soul and sinew affair.
And lots of lovely younger people who are well nurtured and supported to discover themselves and porvided with support, stability and love without being encouraged to be 'precious' in any way. Robust, creative, intelligent young beings.
So it was a lovely day although I had a little hissy fit on the way up there- too much rain, fog, backwash from trucks. In my 1/2 cm-off-the-ground car. Goodness knows what I was thinking buying such a car in Brisbane. Although it is very cheeky to complain about rain in Queensland because we need the water.
I collect water from the gutter over the carports when it rains. Have huge plastic buckets on wheels. I left one out before going up the coast and when I returned it had filled so a neighbour had swapped it for another of my empty ones - I felt so chuffed. The buckets crowd the carport so I get nervous that other unit dwellers will be annoyed so it's lovely when they join in. So washing day tomorrow. I wait for it to rain now before I wash so I can use rain water. Then the used washing water gets saved and put down the cistern. There is some hard working water in this flat. I just can't reconcile putting drinkable water down the cistern. It takes lots of carting and storing but I like using water as sensibly as possible.
Egg salad sandwiches for dinner. My Aunty sent me off home with them- how 'noice' is that. Plus she walked me to the car with a big umbrella. I couldn't find my umbrella so I had used my dashboard mat to cover myself to stay dry to get into the house. Quite effective really. The mat was actually from the bathroom. I didn't need it there anymore so until I could get a dash-mat I thought it may as well be used in the car and of course it's been there for a long time now. Saving the dashboard from the sun in all it's purple terry toweling splendour. Ah well- as riveting as my liaising with the weather and bath mats no doubt is for you I need to leave the computer and move around to get the circulation going again. "Let's hope it gets to the brain" you cry- "now, now, can't be expecting too much".