Thursday, April 21, 2005

I don't need a lot of love but I need a steady supply

This is from the Ashleigh Brillian hompage.. I love his 'potshots'.. another fav.. 'i'm sorry for not communicting but it's hard to write on a moving planet'..

not a really good day today..
teaching last night where i focus on the ONE student who eye rolls, ducks her head and gets more and more turtle like the longer i speak..
i get addicted to noticing her response.. have started asking her direct questions to engage her and that seems to get her perked up again.. maybe next week i'll ask her to take the class!.. she would probably do an excellent job..
although i was the 'student from hell' asking tricky questions enjoying my own abilty to devitate and laterally think..and always thought they were so stupid and seemed to miss the obvious.. and teachers often found this VERY challenging so ... Karma for me.. 'cos it's not so easy..
i just sometimes really question the sense in gettng myself to stand in front of people so's i can feel publicly humiliated and try and get the into the guiness book of records in keeping on functioning...
today was no better the vundekid in the class always had a better idea than me )or anyone else)
and it usually involves listening to or looking at him!.. he's gorgeous and used to be a professional sportsperson but I figure that's not quite why i'm there!!!
and then there's the quiet achiever or two just plodding on and on, putting in positive input where ever possible and mostly ignored by all and sundry...

Perhaps facilitation isn't my strong point but then again .. you can't just keep on giving up everything.. as i suspect there may be NO strong point.. perhaps i'll make an excellent corpse!!! Now there's a position I could maintain.

feel like a woman.!

Teaching about gender differences in counselling... tricky... women now.. they are the ones with the feelings right?
but in researching 'women's issues' Jaysus.. makes me grateful to have been born in Wagga Wagga New South Wales as one of the dominant culture in this country 'cos it doesn't look so good if you are other than that, Indigenous in Australia, or Chinese (17 mill more boy babies.. natural selection you think?) or in Iran where you can be married at 17 to an already married man aged over 60 for the period of a month.. or India, or Africa, .....where if you are lucky you will meet up with the fistula clinic... to avoid a lifetime of seeping waste products and isolation due to smelling so badly. All from having a child too young. ..

Humans aren't always so nice you know and often
'don't play well with others'...
ah the rich tapestry of life.. or in Australia the rich tapestry of lies... presently.
Offset by good will, self sacrifice, joy and beauty .... it's like a see saw of the small minded self interested on one end and the generous spirited on the other with the majority in between.. and the plank keeps swinging....
What's it all about? .. Enoy the ride? I think I might be sick...

Sunday, April 17, 2005

now the carnival is over

Well they came, they ate, drank, talked and ate and drank and talked.. we went to the river front... NO Rain... thank goodness.
I stayed up until 3am last night.. watched TV and tidied.. and tried to make sense of the teaching stuff.. that is prepare..
so now I am exhausted.. but it was so much fun.. I forgot about socializing..... I did a lot of it prior to the move from WA to Queensland .. Yawn.. smile.. and so to sleep

Friday, April 15, 2005

Getting ready for the big day

-Suzette I am happy if you want to be the ongoing commenting English teacher toolbar on this blogg.. you know I can't believe it myself the SPELLING, grammar.... oh dear so feel free to CORRECT me ).. God knows someone should.
I went to the organic markets in Northey street today.. to get more potatoes.. no no .. salad, and soul food 'cos it's like ancient hippy heaven there.. all those who aren't in rehab, jail or Nimbin anyway. Actually they are probably really Ferals.. now 'cos 'hippie' is too old..
Anyway I like it. Sugarless, gluten free chocolate cake and big pots of chai and sometimes live music but often CD's (or tapes or maybe even records!) but CD's I like to hear, soft and gentle or rythmic and 'down there' or world music .. just lovely , and little children who are wobbling around on pudgy little legs with fruit squashed firmly in little fists and clean clothes getting grubby from being ....ON THE GROUND.. shock! and of course the veggies.. There's a guy there who comes from Tweed Heads from down on the farm - he says it's his 'big day out' - Such a lovley guy, interested in people, calm. ..
Then i went to the 'proper shops' for things in cartons and packets - took my own bags.. high class bag lady I am.
Home to make a Dandedlion coffee and only had the very fine ground one, and put it in the plunger and filled it with the NEW kettle (well with water from the ..) and then . after waiting.. went to push the plunger but.... NO GO.. so push harder NO GO .. and so.. you know.. Roger RAmjet ( American cartoon that this Australian childhood was full of.. roger ramjet he's our man hero of the nation.. I had a friend I called Roger Ramit jam it- prone to using brute force) anyway I did a Roger on it and because it was so fine it was sticking in the tiny gaps around the mesh and then when I pushed the fluid and grit flew up and over the brim and out the spout a bit like a breast fed baby's first.... all over the NEW metal kettle.. ah life problems are troublesome ! (joking.. like in comparison to DAFUR - betcha their plungers work)
It was great coffee though it'd make a vegan eat eggs it was so strong.

Of course I had removed the cheap plastic enormous 'platter' I usually have on the bench to catch all my carrying on .. so i can pick it up and brush my mess into the sink.. oh no! we can't greet the guests with that there .. no have to have the BLACK bench top.. so cool .. but you have to keep it CLEAN 'cos you can see everything on it.. ah life!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

you are so helpful

boy oh boy suzette.. you are very helpful.. blogging, nursing ... you've got it covered. I just taught my class on basic counselling.. but they just lead me astray.. i remember having teachers like that, you'd see who could get them (furthersit? fatherist... or is that someone who hates fathers) most off track and for how long...
Having the inaugural unit warming this Sunday. We're going to begin here ('cos it's to 'warm here) and then to avoid having to sit in each other's lap we are heading to the river to a bbq for tofu burgers. It's apparently going to rain so I think we'll all be on the waiting platform for the rivercat ferry watching the rain blow in on our faces so should be fun. Decided to get orgainzed and cooked potatoes for salad but.. keep popping the little pommes de terre into my mouth everytime i open the fridge.. so I'll just roll my self in mayonaise and mint sunday morning. 43sq mtrs and so far 16 rsvps in the affirmative.. uh oh.. high class problems for me. anyway off to bed .. it's 11pm and I need to get up at 5 am to plan the 8 am class... nothing like staying on top of the preparation! au revoir ma petites

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Have I figured it out?

hopefully so.... very exciting .. 'cept which place will it show in.. Goodness knows.
well it's raining in Brisbane.. so exciting to know. It's much harder writing from nowhere than responding to others bloggs.. so.. still practising .. have a counselling session to go to soon, was just checking my email and here i am.. bit like Alice (only older , fatter and more au fait with the drugs i take).. This keyboard is nearing being thrown against the wall... in with love,.. can't think of anything to put here. Which some would say is a relief. Or how to make this page less white.. white is not something that suits everyone!.. ah well to off to the real world.