Sunday, May 22, 2005

sunday morning coming down

not really coming down.. But it seemed apt for a Sunday morning and I jus felt I wanted to change the post title...
I went to a house warming yesterday - or a flat warming which was lovely, had a sweet time..The resident is such a sweet person. I always am humbled by people who don’t take offence easily, I just love that, it warms my heart.. you know those generous hearted souls. I try to emulate that with varied forms of success! Just for anyone reading this in Brisbane..or who may like to come to Brisbane for a weekend, Michelle has given me an outline of a festival to be held on the Woodford site - 10-13 june 2005.. Australia's Internationnal Indigenous Festival.. is the website- sorry I haven't figure how to put a link in - haven't tried to figure actually.. anyway - this sounds like the place to be on that weekend!-
I have been to Woodford to the folk festival in summer .. so hot.. I bought some ice to keep my food cool and as I walked down the hill with it I handed pieces to people to share the cool relief from the HEAT.. It was very wet also, bogged cars were common… there is a tractor on site to drag them out .. when it RAINS in Queensland.. we are not talking drizzle here.. we are talking ark weather.. Once on my second year in Brisbane I was driving home from work and it was 'raining' .. I was wishing I had one of those … high off the ground vehicles with wind screen wipers that worked.. And as I passed the street parallel and just prior to mine I looked into it to see someone coming down the street…. In a canoe.. I guess you get the picture..
End of the month and coming up to the end of semester so.. I am busy. I have two part time jobs both of which get really busy just NOW… warm wishes to anyone reading .. thanks for coming by….

Thursday, May 12, 2005

those that can do, those that can't teach ....

and those that can and do but teach anyway... well try and teach, and teach badly.. you know what happened tonight .. do you want to know?
Well you are going to know.. MY Counseling class suggested I should become a stand up comic!! More poeple suggesting this.!! It's been said before and I have thought of it except I can't be funny when I'm s'posed to only when I'm not s'posed to.. anyway ...

I felt shameful! I trully did. They asked me what unit I was teaching next semester so's they can do that one. A couple of students said they were very glad they had my class thursday nights because it was all they were up to at that time.. Oh dear , oh dear, oh dear, .I do find it hard to take microskills seriously so I tell them good advice like... "Don't spit at clients" and not to call them losers 'cos they need help.. and 'specially not to CHANT it while holding your pointer finger straight up and the thumb horizontal to this to make an "L" above your forehead while chanting.. I mean this has got to be useful right??

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

What the bleep do we know?

the goss on this is .. go and see it!! but it'd be good to ask What the bleep do we CARE?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

oh say can you see....

Just thought I'd get patriotic.. in a Global sense you understand... 'cos I watched the SBS program on space finance!- and I think I'll have to join in with Cotard Syndrome's author (blog with lashings of mood altering chemicals to numb myself enough to rush into the front yard waving my US flag with a cheery expression for the cameras.. Sccccarry sh..t..
They own eveything! My yard's not my own, my numberplate can be photographed from SPACE... my reading can be monitored if outside... HELP! Sky lab accidentally dropped in Western Australia, Pine Gap lease negotiations changed our Government.. The country in which I allegedly am a paticipant in democratic government has a government that does whatever it likes.
How do you not notice these things that's what I want to know. ?
Someone needs to give lessons in shopping, and working to create money to shop and watching 'reality' tv so's you don't notice what is really happening.