Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Arrogant Heart

I did finally get a photo of my poor forehead. The rest of my face is so much in need of digital enhancement that my pride won't let me post it here. It led me to think though..... I have had an interest in someone I met about a year ago and I have tried everything I can think of to dissuade myself from 'mooning' (no I don't mean showing my bare bum- as much as it may help) over them. I obsess, I ignore them, I flirt like a teenager, I chastise myself, I have a week long shame attack .. And then it resurfaces like a ship wreck at low tide or a mosquito when you are trying to sleep.
So this recent photo gave me a good talking to.
"What are you thinking?" But I'm not thinking that's the trouble I'm responding to my feelings and my heart takes over my brain. (For the less romantic perhaps it's nearer the hips than the lips.. or the lips near the hips... ) The arrogant heart. If I want this so much it must be right and possible says the heart. The mind ( and eyes - when looking at myself) says "in your dreams" and the heart says "exactly"....


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