Thursday, January 18, 2007

Have you seen my camera?

'cos I can't find it and I am keen to take a photo of my forehead to show you.
I went to the skin specialist today and she cut a hole in my forehead to remove
a basal cell carcinoma (cancer ). She drew what looked like an eye (about the same size)
in purple pen on my head and then covered my face with a white paper and injected the area to make it numb and then........... oh my goodness. Such a weird sensation. I am under the paper
while she and the nurse are chatting about some gory news item- "am I dead?".
It wasn't fun but I am proud of myself because I didn't scream or run away. I have never given birth but I guess it may have been a little similar in that there was a point of no return.
How far are you going to go with a hole in your forehead. I also had a little mole 'punched' off my upper inside arm... no fun at all really. Before hand just to get into the mood and make good use of the sick day I went to the dentist.
It's not feeling all that much fun now. I was very lucky that a friend came with me.
She is a nurse and my arm was still bleeding so she wrapped it for me - tightly so there is fat over the top and underneath like some of those lovely tight jeans. I have just taken it off though as I was concerned I may lose the arm from lack of circulation.
So it's lovely to have a day off work but what can you do when you feel your forehead is puckered and full of a sensation as though you have a heavy brick on it even when you are vertical. I did make a mistake though and I will give you the tip, just in case you should ever be in this position. Do not brush your hair because you know what? Your hair stops at your hair line right near your forehead and it drags your forehead up and that's not good.
Actually no laughing or talking much to anyone because your face moves a lot more than you realize.
So, if I had of gone to a plastic surgeon they may have taken a bit more so that the whole brow is lifted but the spot was slightly to the right side so I will just have a surprised right eye and a comparatively relaxed left eye. They already had that predisposition as I could raise one eyebrow effectively and did this for the amusement of friends (a family trait handed down from my father) so unhappily that may be the end ( that is if you can end something that never began) of my screen career.
I do feel very adult though going to get it fixed in stead of waiting for the inevitable disaster that would have otherwise happened. Australia, sun surf and skin cancer. Luckily I live in Queensland "the Sunshine State". Hopefully that is about as true as Victoria (or is it New South Wales?) being the "state of excitement".. That's only if cystitis, thrombosis and other medical ailments are on the list.
Off to bed with a sore head.


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