Saturday, January 27, 2007

September 06 New Scientist- hello young bloggers where ever you are

or ... the benefits of low readership- .. now I do get emails from some people who I know read here which sometimes does keep the event happening.. but there are benefits to low readership..

Firings after blogging postings -

" Clifton Swigert, a former employee of West Virgina power company Allegheny Electric was fired after he vented his frustration about the company's retirement programme. He wrote anonymously. Many of the hundreds of comments were also negative. The company tracked him and fired him. Some may be fired without ever knowing why, says Paul Levy, and attorney with civil liberties group Public Citizen. ..
Joyce Park, fired by social networking site Friendster two years ago. Park is the author of a popular blog called Troutgirl.

Mark Jen lost his job at Google. He (nor Park) is sure why. Karen
Wickre, editor of Google's corporate blog, says the firm likes to hire
bloggers because "it's nice to know that they can put a couple of sentences together". Does Google make a regular habit of reading people's blogs before hiring them? Wickre says. "I'm not willing to make a blanket statement that bloggs don't matter."

Hireright ...interest in online activity is growing.
In Australia, legislation in New South Wales requires employers to tell
employees if they are under any kind of surveillance. However, the low does not regulate the level or type of spying, it just says that employees must be told about it. Electronic surveillance of Australian workers is on the rise, according to Canberra-based internet research firm Caslon Analytics, but there are as yet no national laws that limit monitoring of employees use of email and the internet. "
excerpts taken from article in 30 September 2006 edition
written by Annalee Newitz, San Francisco

The article on natural highs and string theory were very interesting too...


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